What is advocacy?
Advocacy is the expression of support for, or opposition to, a cause, argument or proposal. Advocacy actions may include influencing laws, legislation or attitudes.
What is Zonta advocacy?
Zonta advocacy is an action taken in “the public interest” or for “the greater good” with respect to empowering women and girls and their human rights. The International Advocacy Committee encourages districts/regions, areas and clubs to use the below resources to increase advocacy actions at the district/region, area and club levels. Zonta International, its districts and its clubs shall be nonpartisan and nonsectarian.
Zonta and the United Nations
The Zonta International UN Committee teams represent Zonta in New York at UN Headquarters; in Geneva at the UN Office and ILO headquarters; in Vienna at the UN Office; and in Paris at UNESCO. The teams ensure that Zonta’s priorities are presented, and that the Zonta voice is clear in mission-related meetings at their respective sites. They meet and work with decision-makers from UN agencies and countries where Zonta has funded projects and/or where Zonta clubs reside. The current priority area of focus is the Sustainable Development Goals, which set the UN agenda for the next 15 years, concentrating on Goal 5 and areas that relate to women’s empowerment. The teams also monitor and report on ongoing issues such as human trafficking, women’s employment, human rights, the gender pay gap, and much more. Team members work in coalition with other like-minded organizations on issues of mutual concern, such as early and child marriage. Please see this presentation for more information: Zonta and the UN (2017)
Click on the icons below to learn more about Zonta and its partner advocacy organizations